Monday, July 21, 2014

Recursively npm uninstall all modules

How to recursively do a npm uninstall on all modules? 

I came across a problem where we updated our version of nodejs, then the suggestion was to remove all of the installed node modules of your project after upgrading and before doing a "npm install". I looked at the web and it seemed it is not supported by npm yet (at the time of this writing). Doing manual npm uninstall of all of our modules is a very daunting task.

So I created a powershell script to recursively loop all of the folders inside the node_module and execute a "npm uninstall" passing the folder name as parameter.

Here is the code.
$arr = Get-ChildItem .\node_modules| Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | Foreach-Object {$_.Name}; for($i = 0; $i -le $arr.count -1; $i++) { if($arr[$i] -ne ".bin") { Invoke-Command -Script {npm uninstall $arr[$i]}}}
It first get all of the folder names under node_modules and store it in the $arr variable, then invoke-command on all items in the array.

So just open your powershell terminal and paste this code in your project folder. Please note that I have a condition to test if the $arr[$i] is not equal to ".bin", this is because my node_modules has this folder name which is not a node package - this was generated by our grunt task.

 Hope this helps!

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